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Reid's Story

Hi, I’m Reid. I’m 13 years old. I was adopted as soon as I was born, so I don’t really know what it’s like not to be adopted. I was adopted because my birthparents were never married. My birthmom is from South Carolina, but my birthdad is from Mexico and was only living in the United States for a little while. My birthparents knew that placing me for adoption was better than living with just one of them. But I’m happy because I got to see my birthdad a few times before he went back to Mexico, and I still get to visit with my birthmom a lot. I’m glad I was adopted, but sometimes I still wonder what it would be like if I wasn’t.

I wanted to do this with my mom and my sister to tell kids that weren’t adopted about adoption. Your friends probably will have questions, and so will you. But I want to talk about how adoption is not a bad thing; it’s just part of the amazing plan God has in store for you.

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